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Stand Up Paddleboard Regulations

August 20, 2018 9:41 AM | Anonymous

Update to the Small Vessel Regulations that could affect you:


PaddleCanada's website has a summary of the recent changes to safety requirements for various paddle sports. Including: "Stand Up Paddleboards (SUP) used for navigation fall into the same category as canoes, kayaks, rowboats, rowing shells, and other human powered boats less than 6m and you are required to carry mandatory safety equipment under the Small Vessel Regulations.

·    Option 1: WEAR a lifejacket with a whistle (no buoyant heaving line required).

·    Option 2: CARRY a lifejacket on board with whistle and a buoyant heaving line.

·    Option 3: NONE then could receive a $200 – $500 fine for non-compliance."

There are several other recent changes to the Small Vessel Regulations. For a full list of safety equipment required in your boat download the Canadian Safe Boating Council's Boat Notes App or check their website.

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