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Why Your Membership Is So Important

  1. Winter Inspections:  (for a fee) MLCA coordinates periodic inspections for possible break-ins and property damage are done at each member’s cottage during the off-season.
  2. Property Ownership:  The MLCA owns 4 properties (Memorial Pines, Indian Landing, Peck’s Landing and McLaughlin Point).  The vast majority of Muldrew Cottagers uses one of these properties at least twice a year (boat launching, docking, regatta, contractor access, meetings etc).  Significant costs are associated with these properties (taxes, maintenance, and insurance). 
  3. Event Organization and/or Hosting:  This includes the regattas, fireworks display, Canoe Canada Day and other events you see on our calendar.
  4. Worship Services:  MLCA co-ordinates non-denominational services at Memorial Pines for the summer months.
  5. The Dock Drop: This is a package delivered each June containing all the information we feel you need summer events, registration information for programs, safety issues, the environment and the MLCA’s annual report…and much more.
  6. Telephone Hotline, Newsletters and Website:  Communication with our members is key!
  7. Map of the Lake:   The MCLA provides (for a fee) a map of the lake.
  8. Liaison with Local Decision Makers:   The MLCA provides input into local politics in regards to important matters such as development, taxation, municipal services, water quality, etc. 
  9. Advocate for Cottagers Regarding Building Applications:  The MLCA is notified of any and all building applications made to the town, including those that require minor variances or amendments to existing by-laws and advocates on behalf of all cottagers in these situations.   
  10. Representation on Various Larger Organizations:   The MLCA has representation on the Gravenhurst Area Lake Association (GALA), the Muskoka Lakes Association (MLA), the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Association (FOCA).
  11. Safety and Security:    The MLCA provides the fire and police departments with lists and maps to assist them in locating and accessing cottage in the event of an emergency.
  12. Courtesy Code:   The MLCA created a safety and courtesy code to help ease relationships between cottagers and to ensure we can all enjoy the lake.
  13. Educational opportunities:  The MLCA provides support and/or a venue for educational opportunities such as safe boating, canoe lessons, water-ski and wakeboard lessons, as well as environmental and other beneficial programs.
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