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MLCA Lake Plan - Background and Process

At the 2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM), members of the Muldrew Lakes Cottagers’ Association (MLCA) voted to initiate a review and update of the MLCA Lake Plan which was completed in 2009. The lake plan was comprehensive in nature, identifying issues and actions to address both stewardship and land use issues on the lake. As a result of the plan, several Muldrew-specific policies were incorporated into the Gravenhurst Official Plan (GOP). One of the action items identified in the plan was to ensure that these Muldrew-specific policies were carried through to implementation in the Gravenhurst Zoning By-law. In addition to these action items, the lake plan was meant to be a "living document", which would be reviewed and updated every 5 years.

The 2018 Muldrew Lakes Cottagers’ Survey further demonstrated that 90% of respondents “strongly agree[d]” with continuing the lake planning process, and that 67% would actively participate in the review (by completing surveys, attending workshops, etc.).  Thus, the MLCA board of directors proceeded with distributing several Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to land use planning firms to complete a feasibility study for reviewing and updating land use policies in the Gravenhurst Official Plan (GOP) and Zoning By-law. While the lake plan is still intended to be comprehensive in nature, the board decided that environmental stewardship actions would be pursued through the Land Between Organization and their “Blue Lakes” program, while hiring a planning consultant would be the most appropriate method of addressing the land use policy component. Three land use planning firms were approached and two of these firms responded to the RFP. The MLCA board voted to retain EcoVue Consulting Services to complete the feasibility study to review and further develop Muldrew-specific land use policies and zoning by-laws.

During the summer of 2020, EcoVue began Phase 1 of the project. This initial study included three specific deliverables: 1) a community survey; 2) a community workshop; and 3) a final report with recommendations and next steps (including a cost analysis of implementation). Phase 1 of the project was concluded in the Spring of 2021.

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